Engineer Memoirs - EP-870-1-630001Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data - EP-870-1-630002Foreword - EP-870-1-630003The Interviewer - EP-870-1-630004Contents - EP-870-1-630005Contents cont'd - EP-870-1-630006Introduction - EP-870-1-630007Introduction cont'd - EP-870-1-630008Career Summary - EP-870-1-630009Promotion History - EP-870-1-630010EducationLIEUTENANT GENERAL JOHN W. MORRISChildhood and West Point YearsChildhood and West Point Years cont'd - EP-870-1-630015Childhood and West Point Years cont'd - EP-870-1-630016Childhood and West Point Years cont'd - EP-870-1-630017Childhood and West Point Years cont'd - EP-870-1-630018Childhood and West Point Years cont'd - EP-870-1-630019Members of the track team at West Point in the spring of 1943Childhood and West Point Years cont'd - EP-870-1-630021Childhood and West Point Years cont'd - EP-870-1-630022Graduation Picture of Cadet Captain John W. Morris in 1943.World War II and Early Post-War AssignmentsWorld War II and Early Post-War Assignments cont'd - EP-870-1-630025World War II and Early Post-War Assignments cont'd - EP-870-1-630026World War II and Early Post-War Assignments cont'd - EP-870-1-630027Geraldine King,World War II and Early Post-War Assignments cont'd World War II and Early Post-War Assignments cont'd - EP-870-1-630030World War II and Early Post-War Assignments cont'd - EP-870-1-630031World War II and Early Post-War Assignments cont'd - EP-870-1-630032World War II and Early Post-War Assignments cont'd - EP-870-1-630033Germany, Savannah, and Fort LeavenworthGermany, Savannah, and Fort Leavenworth cont'd - EP-870-1-630035Captain John W. Morris and Gerry MorrisGermany, Savannah, and Fort Leavenworth cont'd - EP-870-1-630037Germany, Savannah, and Fort Leavenworth cont'd - EP-870-1-630038Germany, Savannah, and Fort Leavenworth cont'd - EP-870-1-630039Colonel Ellis E. Wilhoyt, District Engineer of the Savannah District, promoted Major Morris to lieutenant colonel in August 1953.Germany, Savannah, and Fort Leavenworth cont'd - EP-870-1-630041Germany, Savannah, and Fort Leavenworth cont'd Germany, Savannah, and Fort Leavenworth cont'd - EP-870-1-630043Goose Bay and OCEGoose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630045Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630046Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630047Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630048Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630049Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630050Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630051Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630052Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630053Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630054Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630055Goose Bay and OCE cont'd - EP-870-1-630056Tulsa DistrictTulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630058Tulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630059Tulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630060Tulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630061Tulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630062President Lyndon Johnson dedicated the Eufaula Reservoir on September 25, 1964, while Colonel John W. Morris was District Engineer of the Tulsa DistrictTulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630064Tulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630065Tulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630066Susan Morris became interested in riding Tulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630068Colonel Morris in Western riding gear Tulsa District cont'd - EP-870-1-630070West Point - EP-870-1-630071Colonel John W. Morris as a "Tac" at West PointWest Point cont'd - EP-870-1-630073West Point cont'd - EP-870-1-630074West Point cont'd - EP-870-1-630075Legislative LiaisonLegislative Liaison cont'd - EP-870-1-630077Legislative Liaison cont'd - EP-870-1-630078Legislative Liaison cont'd - EP-870-1-630079Legislative Liaison cont'd - EP-870-1-630080Legislative Liaison cont'd - EP-870-1-630081VietnamVietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-630083Secretary of the Army Stanley Resor (left) with Engineer officers Colonel Harry Griffith, Major General David S. Parker, and Brigadier General John W. Morris in South Vietnam in 1970.Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-630085Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-630086Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-630087Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-630088 reunion of former commanders of the 18th Engineer BrigadedMissouri River Division - EP-870-1-630090Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630091ust back from South Vietnam, General Morris arrived in Omaha, Nebraska, with his wifeMissouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630093Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630094Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630095Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630096Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630097Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630098Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630099Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630100Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-630101Director of Civil WorksDirector of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630103Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630104Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630105Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630106Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630107Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630108Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630109Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630110Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630111Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630112Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630113General Morris with the head of the Suez Canal Authority, Mr. Mashour Ahmed MashourGenera/ Morris gave an address at the opening ceremony of the Permanent International Association of Navigation CongressesDirector of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630116Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630117The Corps of Engineers vessel, Sergeant Floyd, sailed the inland waterways to celebrate the Bicen tennial in 1975.Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630119Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630120Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630121Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630122From left to right, Don McBride, former assistant to Senator Robert Kerr; Robert Kerr, Jr.; and General Morris when he was Director of Civil Works.Director of Civil Works cont'd - EP-870-1-630124Deputy Chief of EngineersDeputy Chief of Engineers cont'd - EP-870-1-630126Deputy Chief of Engineers cont'd - EP-870-1-630127MG John W. Morris was sworn in as Deputy Chief of Engineers on 1 August 1975 Deputy Chief of Engineers cont'd - EP-870-1-630129Deputy Chief of Engineers cont'd - EP-870-1-630130Deputy Chief of Engineers cont'd - EP-870-1-630131Deputy Chief of Engineers cont'd - EP-870-1-630132Deputy Chief of Engineers cont'd - EP-870-1-630133Deputy Chief of Engineers cont'd - EP-870-1-630134Chief of Engineers: Internal and External RelationshipsChief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630136Major General John W. Morris and his son, First Lieutenant John Morris, in Ponca City, OklahomaChief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630138Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630139Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630140Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630141General and Mrs. Morris cut the cake at the Corps of Engineers' 205th anniversaryLTG John Morris, Chief of Engineers; Clifford Alexander, Secretary of the ArmyChief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630144Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630145LTG John W. Morris and President Jimmy CarterChief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630147A White House meeting presided over by President Carter to discuss dam safetyChief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630149Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630150Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630151Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630152Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630153Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630154Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630155Chief of Engineers and Mrs. Morris cut a birthday cake on the 204th Corps anniversary in 1979.Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630157Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630158Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630159Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630160Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630161Chief of Staff of the Army General Bernard Rogers (shaking hands with General Morris)General Morris toured Corps of Engineers emergency operations in Buffalo, New York, after a severe snowstorm in February 1977.Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630164Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630165Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630166Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630167Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630168Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630169Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630170Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630171Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630172Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630173Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630174Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630175Chief of Engineers: Internal and External Relationships cont'd - EP-870-1-630176Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projectshe dam at the Shimen Power StationThe dam at the Panjiakou Power Station during General Morris' trip to China in early 1980.Site of the Three Gorges Dam.Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630181Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630182Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630183National Guard Headquarters Building in Saudi Arabia, part of the massive Corps of Engineers'Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630185Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630186Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630187Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630188Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630189Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630190Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630191Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630192Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630193Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630194Chief of Engineers: International and Military Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630195Chief of Engineers: Civil Works ProjectsGeneral Bernard Rogers, a classmate of General Morris at West PointChief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630198Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630199Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630200Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630201Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630202Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630203Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630204General MorrisChief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630206Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630207Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630208Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630209Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630210Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630211Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630212Chief of Engineers: Civil Works Projects cont'd - EP-870-1-630213Genera/ Morris, outgoing Chief of Engineers, introduced Major General Joseph K. BrattonPost-Retirement CareerPost-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630216Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630217Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630218Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630219Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630220Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630221Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630222Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630223Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630224Post-Retirement Career cont'd - EP-870-1-630225Conclusion - EP-870-1-630226David McGrath publisher of Engineering News-Record, congratulated Genera/ Morris after ENRConclusion cont'd - EP-870-1-630228The Association of Graduates of the U.S. Military Academy Conclusion cont'd - EP-870-1-630230Conclusion cont'd - EP-870-1-630231Acronyms - EP-870-1-630232Acronyms cont'd - EP-870-1-630233Index - EP-870-1-630234Index cont'd - EP-870-1-630235Index cont'd - EP-870-1-630236Index cont'd - EP-870-1-630237Index cont'd - EP-870-1-630238Index cont'd - EP-870-1-630239Index cont'd - EP-870-1-630240Index cont'd - EP-870-1-630241Index cont'd - EP-870-1-630242Appendix A "Our Troubled Waterways" Water Spectrum Winter 1974-75Figure - EP-870-1-630244'Unknown' by Unknown - Page 1 of 304Our Troubled Waterwayscarry energy related commodities.Diked DisposalFigure - EP-870-1-630249National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969Figure - EP-870-1-630251Water SpectrumThe average age of the Federal dredge fleet is over 30 years. Congress will soon be studying Corps recommendations on this problem.Appendix B " A Time for Reflection"A Time For ReflectionA Time For Reflection cont'd - EP-870-1-630256A Time For Reflection cont'd - EP-870-1-630257Dredged material converted to manmade islandDredged material converted to manmade island cont'dA better fish and wildlife population is a major concern to the Corps.Hydroelectric PowerMeeting growing demands for recreationalAppendix C " Maintaining Engineer Readiness"Maintaining Engineer ReadinessMobilized againThe Cold WarThe Corps todayAppendix D "The Corps of Engineers and the American Environment"Past, Present, and FutureEmergence of the Environmental MovementA Brief History of the Corps' Work in the Environment Early Corps Contributions to Environmental QualityModern-Day Impacts on the EnvironmentThe Federal Government Accepts EnvironmentalismEnvironmentalism's Recent DifficultiesEnvironmental Prospects for the Future cont'dAppendix E " Lets Get Back to Work"Let's Get Back to WorkEnvironmental PeriodConservation Period cont'dImpediments to a Development Investment ProgramPrioritizing Investments cont'd - EP-870-1-630282Prioritizing Investments cont'd - EP-870-1-630283Prioritizing Investments cont'd - EP-870-1-630284Appendix F " Reflections: An Interview with the Chief"Reflections: An Interview With The ChiefReflections: An Interview With The Chief cont'dArt Klein, a Permits investigator in Buffalo's Regulatory Functions Branch, examines plant life in a Niagara County, New York wetland.Corps park ranger talks with children.Lock #1 on the Green River, Louisville District.C/ark Hill Dam, Savannah District, has a generating capacity of 280,000 kilowatts.McDowe// Exhibit Plaza at Scottsdale, Arizona is part of he Indian Bend Greenbelt floodway.Dredged material provides habitat for Royal and Sandwich tern colony, Cape Fear River North Carolina.The Chief and other members of the U.S. delegation on a recent tour of China.Appendix G " Construction Management Training: An Industry/Academia Challenge"Construction Management Training The University of Maryland ProgramThe construction industry, which is served by academia, should help evaluate university CM programs and speak out on how well the universities are doing.Appendix H "Changing Role of the Corps of Engineers - 1970 -1980"Changing Role of The Corps of Engineers-1970-1980 Changing Role of The Corps of Engineers-1970-1980 cont'd - EP-870-1-630301Changing Role of The Corps of Engineers-1970-1980 cont'd - EP-870-1-630302Changing Role of The Corps of Engineers-1970-1980 cont'd - EP-870-1-630303EP 870-1-63