Enaineer Memoirs
David McGrath publisher of Engineering News-Record, congratulated Genera/ Morris after ENR
named him "Construction's Man of the Year" in New York on 16 February 1977 at the Pierre Hotel.
As for the future, changes will continue. I am inclined to believe the reductions in
responsibility and authority of the Chief of Engineers have reached a low point, and future
modifications will begin an upward adjustment. This swing of the pendulum depends on the
reversal of a trend which began three decades ago and apparently has become more serious
in the last half of the period.
Can you define this trend more clearly?
Yes, but first I want to establish the essential point that all short-term or specific action gains
must be within the framework of the bedrock goal of "improving the support by the Corps of
Engineers to the Army."
What about the public works program of the Corps?
Chiefs of Engineers and most senior generals of the Army realize that the world's finest
military engineer capability is in the U.S. Army because of the added value generated through
the professional practices demanded by the civil works program-especially in peacetime. The
trick for the Chief is to convince his military superiors that such is the truth. The Chief needs
help and support, similar to that which I had, from the Chief of Staff and the Secretary of the
Army. This comes from personal, frequent contact and involvement.
All right. Back to the trends over the past 30 years or so.