EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
three years experience in conducting lead/asbestos surveys. The Contractor shall provide in the
Project Work Plan a resume of each survey leader that verifies the work experience.]
Contracted Laboratory Qualifications
The Contractor shall provide, as part of the Project Work Plan evidence of current NLLAP
and/or NVLAP/AIHA accreditation for each laboratory used by the Contractor for analysis of
samples collected or prepared under the terms of this SOW.
Contractor Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance
NOTE: Consult with the COR to develop requirements for Contractor errors and
omissions liability insurance that are appropriate for the scope of the project.
The Contractor shall demonstrate coverage under an errors and omissions liability insurance
policy. [Insert errors and omis sions text as appropriate]
NOTE: Require that all work (surveys, drawings, custody sheets, field data
sheets, etc) shall be provided in both hard copy and electronic format. All designs
will now be preformed electronically. Lead and asbestos surveys shall be
attached in total to the specifications of the design. This has helped significantly
in reducing "designer error/liability" claims, as the Contractor has access to all the
same data that the designer has. (In addition, disks are easier to store than
binders.) Include project-specific requirements for electronic submittal format(s).
[The Contractor shall provide all project records in electronic format. [ ]]
Record keeping Requirements
NOTE: PWTB 420-70-8 requires that records relating to the status of asbestos-
containing materials in a building be maintained indefinitely. Check with
The Contractor shall maintain records related to the survey activities for at least [ ] years,
following completion of the activities outlined under this SOW. Records shall include:
Project Work Plan
Survey Report including Laboratory Report
[Progress Reports]