EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
Date(s) of the survey and sample collection
[Identification of field-portable methods used during the survey and applicable calibration check results]
Laboratory report and chain-of-custody forms
Comparison of the sample results to the criteria listed in this SOW as presented in matrix format.
CADD or line drawings that indicate areas of ACM and lead-containing paint.
Other field QA/QC procedures followed during the survey.
Contractor Data Certification
The report shall contain the certification from the Contractor that data used to develop
conclusions and recommendations have been reviewed and validated, and have met DQOs.
Electronic HALO/Installation Data Downloading into Installation System
NOTE: All data collected during activities specified in this SOW will be
provided to the DA in a format compatible with HALO or, if the installation does
not utilize HALO, compatible with the installation's data management system
requirements. HALO is a hazard management system designed to track
lead/asbestos hazards and the actions taken in response to the identified
lead/asbestos hazards. HALO requires an IBM-compatible personal computer
(with a Pentium processor), Windows 95, 16 MB of RAM, 10MB of available
hard disk space, Microsoft Word, and display resolution of 800x600 pixels. The
current POC for HALO is:
USACE Engineering Research & Develop ment Center/Construction Engineering
Research Laboratory (ERDC/CERL)
Construction Engineering Resource, Materials and Structures Branch (CER CF-
(217) 352-6511, ext. 7239 (commercial)
Where the installation has no unique data management system for LBP/asbestos
data, HALO will be the default program for all deliverables under this SOW. The
SOW should detail the procedure for the Contractor to follow in providing the
results of the lead/asbestos survey to the COR for uploading into HALO or other
system used by the installation.
At a minimum, the Contractor must be provided with a copy of the HALO Data
Dictionary. The dictionary identifies the table names, field names, data types, and
any required default values. The Dictionary is part of the HALO program and can
be obtained through the installation, or by contacting USACE CER CF-M. In
every case, electronic archives should be produced for the record.
[The Contractor shall provide laboratory data to the COR in [both hard copy and] electronic
format. The electronic data report shall be provided in [HALO format] [ ].]
Contractor Conclusions
The report shall contain conclusions based on the analytical results, on substrates and materials
found to contain lead and asbestos, the location and the quantities of these materials, the