EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
when the PLM method cannot be used because sample preparation is difficult, i.e. asphaltic
bound matrix. The Contractor shall assure that the laboratory uses the "positive-stop" method
when analyzing bulk samples after the first positive (asbestos greater than 1%) sample is
determined in a set of samples from the same homogeneous area, no more samples from that
homogeneous area shall be analyzed.
Laboratory Turnaround Time
The Contractor shall require the laboratory to report analytical results back to the Contractor
within [ ] days of the samples' receipt by the laboratory.
Project Data Review and Assessment
The Contractor shall review all data collected as part of the survey. This shall include verifying
that all applicable NLLAP (for lead analysis) and NVLAP or AIHA (for asbestos analysis)
laboratory QA/QC requirements have been met for the samples analyzed. The Contractor shall
accomplish this by reviewing the internal QA/QC sample data generated by the Laboratory for
each sample batch submitted by the Contractor and provided by the Laboratory in the Laboratory
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
The Contractor shall perform QC/calibration checks on the XRF instrument in accordance with
Paragraph 7.4 of ASTM's Standard Provisional Practice for Quality Systems for Conducting In-
Situ Measurements of Lead Content in Paint or Other Coatings using Field-Portable X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF) Devices (PS95-98); in accordance with the instrument manufacturer's PCS.
At a minimum, calibration checks for each XRF instrument shall be completed at the beginning
and the end of each survey, and every two hours or less during surveys. The calibration checks
performed according to this paragraph that fall within the specification for the instrument shall
demonstrate reading validity.
Laboratory Report Requirements
The Contractor shall require the laboratory to provide the information necessary for the
Contractor to comply with the data evaluation/validation procedures outlined in this SOW. This
shall include a data package containing the following information:
Cover page information i ncluding methods, dates, instruments, digestions, and signature of the laboratory
Sample information including identification and the results for samples, blanks, QC samples, dilution factors,
and batch identification.
Laboratory certification that all applicable NLLAP (for lead analyses) and NVLAP or AIHA (for asbestos
analyses) QA/QC requirements have been met for the samples analyzed.
Contractor Certification of Project Data Validation
The Contractor shall certify in the Survey Report that all field data have been validated:
in accordance with QA/QC Protocol required for XRF analysis;