EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
Laboratory TCLP Sample Analysis (Lead)
Analysis shall be performed in accordance with EPA's TCLP test method 1311 in the most
recent version of "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", See
EPA Publication SW-846.
Field Analysis of Paint Samples (Lead)
XRF analysis of painted surfaces shall be performed in accordance with ASTM's Standard
Provisional Practice for Quality Systems for Conducting In Situ Measurements of Lead Content
in Paint or Other Coatings using Field-Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Devices (PS95-98),
and with the appropriate PCS for the instrument as provided by the instrument manufacturer.
The contractor shall verify with the laboratory prior to beginning the field survey that the
laboratory has an SOP in place to be used by the Contractor to collect paint chips based on
surface area, allowing the laboratory to calculate lead loading on the substrate tested in mg/cc,
corresponding to XRF readings in mg/cc.
Bulk Asbestos Sample Preparation and Analysis
NOTE: To minimize laboratory costs, the "positive-stop" method of analysis
should be used to ensure that no additional samples from a homogeneous area will
need to be analyzed after one of the samples has been found to contain greater
than 1% asbestos. The cost savings from this method could be significant on
larger projects. Note that some laboratories may charge a reduced amount for the
remaining samples, in order to cover the sample preparation costs or to comply
with their standard contract provisions. The Contractor should consider this when
choosing a laboratory. In general, point counting should not be used unless the
installation manager is confident that point counting will yield a result less than
1%. This might occur if a very few sample results are 1 to 2% asbestos by PLM,
for a structure that is otherwise "asbestos free". Otherwise, accept the PLM
results, as it is generally not cost effective to re-analyze samples by point counting
only to confirm that a material contains asbestos.
The Contractor shall send all bulk asbestos samples (including waste stream characterization
samples) to a laboratory accredited by NVLAP or AIHA. For samples analyzed by visual
estimation Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) (Appendix E, Subpart E, 40 CFR Part 763,
Section L, Polarized Light Microscopy) and the analysis yields results less than 10% asbestos
content, the material [shall be treated as positive for ACM] [shall be verified for ACM content
by point counting according to the following criteria: (1) A sample in which no asbestos is
detected by PLM shall not be point counted, (2) If the analyst det ects asbestos in the sample and
estimates, by visual estimation, the amount to be between 10% and 1%, the material shall be
[considered positive for ACM] [point counted for ACM verification], (3) Point count results that
differ from visual estimation shall have precedence over the visual estimation.] [shall be verified
by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis.] The EPA TEM method shall be used