EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
in accordance with Appendix II of 40 CFR 261 (for TCLP analyses);
following NLLAP (for total lead analyses); and
following NVLAP or AIHA (asbestos analyses) laboratory analysis requirements.
The data shall also meet the established DQOs.
Comparison with Lead and Asbestos Survey Criteria
NOTE: The specifier shall determine the format by which the Contractor shall
provide the comparison of validated data to Action Levels in Table A-1 and
describe this requirement in the blank bracket.
The Contractor shall compare the validated data with the lead and asbestos action levels listed in
Table A-1. The comparison shall be documented in the Survey Report by listing the results and
Table A-1 action levels in matrix format listing the sample area location down the first column
and the Table A-1 action levels across the first row. Only sample values exceeding the Table A-
1 action levels shall be indicated.
General Report Contents
In addition to the information described in Paragr aphs 2.4.2 through 2.4.6 below, the Survey
Report shall include:
Installation Name and Address
Installation point of contact (POC), title, organization and address
Facility Address
[Facility or unit number(s)]
Date of building construction
Project Work Plan
Note any discrepancies between the project work plan and the actual project activities performed.
Sample Location Selection
Note any discrepancies between the Sample Location Selection [as approved] and any changes
made during sampling, along with explanation of differences.
Survey Results
NOTE: If an XRF instrument is used, specify the format that will be used to
present the XRF data (i.e., in the drawings).