EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
Security and Escorts
NOTE: The Contractor survey personnel may need an escort, especially if the
survey is to be conducted in residential units that are occupied. In the case of
residential surveys, the escort should introduce the surveyors on behalf of the
Housing Office, state how long the work is expected to take, answer questions,
and observe the team while it works. This is good public relations and protects
the installation, the Contractor, and the occupants from disputes about claims of
loss and damage. It reassures occupant members, especially those who have no
knowledge about lead or asbestos surveys. If occupants (especially spouses) are
likely not to understand English, a bilingual escort should be provided.
If an escort cannot by provided, special precautions must be taken to protect all
A notice to occupants about the impending work should be provided in
advance and include information on how Contractor personnel should identify
themselves at the door.
Contractor personnel should be directed to never enter a unit unless there is an
adult present or, at a minimum, an older responsible adolescent (18 years or
older) who clearly understands the intended work and agrees to the team
entering. Personnel should be directed not to ask children who answer the
door whether a parent is home, but rather whether a parent is free to come to
the door. This is to avoid encouraging children to tell strangers that no adult
is home.
Agreement should be reached on what Contractor personnel can tell occupants
about the work or in response to questions, as opposed to referring occupants
to the Housing Authority.
It is not practical for a single person to introduce multiple survey teams to each
occupant because it is not possible to predict in advance how long each survey
will take.
The Contractor is responsible for the security of their equipment (especially XRF
units), their employees, ands to re- lock doors upon exit.
If special security arrangements must be made for the work, this should be noted
below. This might include both personnel and vehicle passes, as well as any
information or passes to enter secure locations.
[Insert Appropriate Provisions]
Temporary Office/Equipment/Storage/Staging Areas
The installation shall provide space for the duration of the field activities that the Contractor may
use as a temporary office, equipment/storage, and staging area. [The Government] [The