EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
in accordance with RCRA requirements, or any applicable State or local criteria. The contractor
[is] [is not] required to patch and repair sample locations.
The contractor shall submit as a part of the Survey Report the following minimum information to
characterize waste to be generated by the project, for laboratory performance of a TCLP test:
A list of the building materials to be sampled that comprise the waste stream
Volume percentage of each building material identified relative to the total building
materials that will comprise the waste stream
Number of TCLP samples to be analyzed by the laboratory
Laboratory to perform the TCLP analysis
Laboratory's SOP in preparing the representative composite sample of the building
materials submitted to be analyzed
Written documentation of steps performed in determining how many samples to analyze
Written documentation of steps performed to determine most stringent applicable
Sample Identification
ACM bulk samples, paint chip samples, [and soil samples] shall be identified using unique
sample numbers. Any field or laboratory blanks or spiked samples submitted to the laboratory
for QA/QC purposes shall be numbered in such a way that the sample identity will not be
revealed to personnel conducting the analysis.
Sample Chain-of Custody
The Contractor shall follow a standard chain-of-custody protocol to document and ensure a
continuous record of sample possession from sample collection to receipt by the laboratory. The
Contractor shall complete and maintain chain-of-custody forms for each set of samples shipped
to the laboratory, and a copy of each form shall accompany the shipment of samples. Copies of
all chain-of-custody forms shall be included in the Survey Report. See Form4, Figure B-4,
Appendix B.
Analytical Methods
Laboratory Sample Analysis (Lead)
The Contractor shall send all lead samples that require laboratory analysis to an NLLAP
recognized laboratory. The Contractor shall verify in the Survey Report that the selected
laboratory is accredited by NLLAP for each type of analysis to be performed.