EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
locations along each leg of an X-shaped pattern. Soil samples shall be collected from the ground
surface, including only the top 1 inch of the soil.] [Samples shall be collected only from areas of
bare soil.]]
[The Contractor shall photograph each sample location.]
Asbestos Sampling
NOTE: It will be necessary to determine exact locations and quantities of ACM.
In order to perform this, a thorough search including inaccessible areas will need
to be performed by the contractor. This includes wall cavities ("all interstitial
areas"), attic areas, crawl spaces, etc., all areas where ACM could have been
applied as a surface, insulation (typically duct or pipe), fireproofing, etc. The
Contractor should be required to penetrate inaccessible spaces for sample
collection. If the structure is unoccupied after the survey, penetration holes may
not need to be repaired. If the structure is to be occupied after the destructive
sampling, then require the repair of all penetrations, e.g., penetrations into
interstitial spaces and roof will require some repair. De termine with the customer
who shall repair the penetrations, the customer or the Contractor.
The Contractor shall enter all areas identified for sampling ACM; identify the ACM b y bulk
sample or assumption; record the results of the samples or assumptions on the [CADD] floor
plan, sketch, or drawing; and quantify the amount that will be included in the project waste
stream generated that requires special disposal. Destructive sampling to locate ACM in
interstitial or inaccessible areas is required. Destructive bulk sampling of roofing materials for
ACM [is] [is not] authorized. The Contractor [is] [is not] required to patch all entries and
penetration holes into interstitial areas. The [Contractor] [Installation] shall repair all material
locations where actual destructive samples are taken, which in all cases shall be repaired. [The
Contractor shall hire a professional roofer to patch roof sample locations.]
The Contractor shall use the procedures and techniques for bulk sample collection described in
40 CFR Part 763.86, and as otherwise described below:
a. Friable Surfacing Material
Collect three bulk samples in a random manner from each homogeneous area of friable surfacing
material consisting of a total surface area of 1000 ft2 or less; five samples from areas greater than
1000 ft2, but less than or equal to 5000 ft2; and seven samples from areas greater than 5000 ft2.
b. Thermal System Insulation
Collect, in a random manner, three bulk samples from each homogeneous area of thermal system
insulation (TSI), one bulk sample from patched area of TSI of less than 6 linear or square feet,
and one bulk sample from insulated mechanical systems where cement or plaster has been used