EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
develop CADD or line drawings that identify the presence and locations of ACM and lead-
containing paint based on a comparison of sample results to Table A-1 for each area surveyed.]
Data Quality Objectives
The Contractor shall meet project-specific data quality objectives (See Glossary) for sampling,
analysis, and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) by meeting the requirements of
Paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3. DQOs must be met in order to provide required data quality. The data
thus collected shall be compared to the survey action levels provided in Table A-1 below.
Table A -1
Lead/Asbestos Survey Action Levels
Sample Matrix
Action Level
Asbestos -Containing Material (ACM)
> 1% Asbestos
Asbestos Containing Waste Stream
[Will asbestos waste stream generated be considered
regulated or non -regulated waste under NESHAP?
Consult with Federal, state and local regulators where
project will occur to determine status.]
Lead Containing Paint (XRF)
Positive reading according to PCS sheet parameters. If
negative reading then confirm with paint chip sample
and analysis.
Lead Containing Paint (Paint Chip)
Greater than detectable using ASTM sampling
techniques and NLLAP recognized laboratories
referenced in this SOW for analysis.
[Soil (Lead)]
Project specific based on customer goals. Levels less
than 400 Parts per Million (PPM) unregulated at federal
level. Check with State and Local Regulators to
consider goals for customer and project.
[Lead Containing Material Waste Stream]
[Is lead containing waste stream EXEMPT from
regulation due to the work activity to be performed?
Check with Federal, State and Local Government.]
[Lead Containing Waste Stream]
[If not exempt, representative sample characterization
using Army protocol.]
TCLP: greater than 5 PPM lead
[Lead Containing Waste Stream]
[If Army protocol not allowed by regulator,
representative sample protocol required by Federal, state
or local regulator.]
TCLP: check with regulator
Bid Assumptions
NOTE: Include explicit project-specific assumptions that the Contractor must use
in developing a cost estimate. The assumptions might be presented to the