EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
This standard Scope of Work (SOW) is to be used to collect detailed lead and/or
asbestos content and location data at the pre-design stage of projects associated
with remodeling, renovation and demolition of existing facilities. The collected
data will be used to properly design the project as it relates to lead or asbestos
abatement requirements, hazard controls and protection for health and safety, and
environmental compliance.
The SOW is also used to evaluate whether lead waste generated during the project
will be considered hazardous or non-hazardous waste under the USEPA Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requirements. Demolition projects may
not require use of the SOW for performing a complete lead survey if there is no
question of potential lead exposures to the demolition workers. If that is the case,
the survey for demolition requires only gathering a representative sample of the
debris to be generated and performing a TCLP for lead.
The SOW can be used for performing a survey to determine whether any asbestos
waste generated by the project will be considered regulated or non-regulated
waste under the USEPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants (NESHAP) requirements. The SOW also can identify contaminated
soil impacted by the planned project through both visual examination of bare soil
for non-residential or non child-occupied facilities, and through soil sampling for
residential or child-occupied facilities.
This SOW is not to be used to identify the nature and severity of lead and/or
asbestos hazards addressed using the SOWs contained Engineering Pamphlets
(EP) 1110-1-28 for installation lead survey risk assessments, EP 1110-1-31 for
installation combined lead inspection/risk assessment for property transfers, and
EP 1110-1-23 for installation asbestos surveys. This SOW allows the use of an X-
Ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument for initial testing for lead content. If XRF
testing yields negative results, compared to project-specific action levels, the
SOW allows the Contractor to collect paint chip samples for laboratory analysis
from surfaces where the XRF method failed to detect lead.
Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACM) is material containing greater than
1% asbestos. The SOW provides determining the presence of ACM based both
on OSHA and EPA requirements.
The SOW uses the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) survey
and sample collection procedures for bulk sampling found in 40 C F R 763,
Subpart E.
This SOW is written to survey for both lead and asbestos. If the project requires
surveying for only one or the other, the Scope Editor must edit the Scope to
remove all references and text for the material being excluded from the survey.
As an example, all references and text for lead must be deleted if the survey is to
be performed for asbestos only.