EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
Lead in paint and soil shall be identified, sampled, analyzed and validated in accordance with the
applicable standards published by ASTM using NLLAP recognized laboratories. Asbestos shall
be identified, sampled, analyzed and validated in accordance with the requirements of
40 CFR 763, Subpart E.
b. Safety and Health
NOTE: If a XRF instrument is used, require that the manufacturer's radiation
safety precautions be addressed in an Accident Prevention Plan (APP). Also
ensure that all federal, state, and installation permitting and licensing
requirements are met; an Army Radiation Permit may need to be obtained from
the Installation Commander if the XRF is a NRC specifically licensed instrument.
Air Force and Navy installations may also require a permit to be obtained. See
AR 11-9 for details on Army Radiation Permit requirements. If the survey
involves potential entry into confined spaces (i.e., crawl spaces, duct work, vaults,
etc., which meet the definition of a confined space) 29 CFR 1910.146
requirements must be included in the Accident Prevention Plan.
The Contractor shall comply with applicable OSHA standards and the USACE Safety and Health
Requirements Manual EM 385-1-1 to include the submission of an Accident Prevention Plan
(APP) [with instructions on [obtaining an [Army] Radiation Permit, and] following the XRF
manufacturer's radiation safety precautions]. The APP shall address the potential for entry into
confined spaces as defined in 29 CFR 1910.146, fall protection, and electrical hazards. The APP
shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer (See Glossary) prior to performing survey tasks.
The survey shall not begin without acceptance of the APP by the Contracting Officer.
State and Local Requirements
NOTE: Reference state, local, or installation-specific requirements that differ
from the federal requirements cited in this SOW that are applicable to the
examination and sampling procedures to be performed.
[The Contractor shall comply with the following [state/local] [and installation] requirements in
completing the activities required by this SOW [insert applicable references]]
Site Location/Characteristics
NOTE: Describe building location(s) function and physical characteristics (e.g.,
industrial, commercial, or residential facility) including individual unit