EP 1110-1-30
3130 Aug 01 Nov 00
designations in multiple unit facilities and surfaces within each unit/facility to be
examined and tested. Use Table B-1 as appropriate in randomly selecting units
from multiple unit populations for lead surveys. Asbestos surveys do not require
the use of random selection strategy in multiple unit populations of similar
construction, but ca n be designed using a sampling approach of selecting a simple
percentage such as 10% or 20%. In combined lead/asbestos surveys, sampling for
asbestos when performing lead sampling in randomly selected units for the lead
survey is performed for the sake of sampling efficiency, not because of regulatory
requirements to randomly select units for asbestos sampling. No regulatory
requirement exists defining asbestos sampling strategy other than federal asbestos
sampling requirements for schools. Depending on the customer agreement, the
survey would only entail examining and sampling those locations within a
building(s) that would be impacted by the project being planned.
The survey shall be performed at [state unit locations]. The Contractor shall take into account
the following [unit/facility functions and physical characteristics] while performing the survey.
[See Table B-1].
Previous Studies and Results
NOTE: Include any previous lead or asbestos survey data regarding the project
areas to be surveyed that is judged to be valid, and that is to be reviewed by the
Contractor prior to performing this survey.
Prior to initiating the field activities required by this SOW, the Contractor shall review the results
of previous lead/asbestos surveys completed at the units/facilit ies identified in Paragraph 1.3.1
provided as an attachment to this SOW.
Project Work Tasks and Description of Work
Survey work tasks include: [list and describe each work task to be performed in performing the
survey and gathering and evaluating the data as outlined in task 2, 3, and 4 of this SOW] at the
units/facilities identified in Paragraph 1.3.1. The survey shall identify through visual
examination and sampling, the existence or absence of [lead containing paint (See Glossary)],
[and lead contaminated soil] [ACM]. [For identified lead-containing paint, the survey shall
further identify whether the waste stream(s) estimated to be generated by the project being
planned, will be considered hazardous or non- hazardous waste. The determination shall be by:
(1) checking with Federal, state and local regulatory agencies to determine if the tasks to be
performed producing the waste stream, are excluded from hazardous waste disposal regulations,
(2) if not excluded, by testing the waste streams for leachable lead using representative sampling
in accordance with [insert applicable Army guidance] and the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching
Procedure (TCLP) or (3) if the state or local entity determines another waste stream
characterization process is required, using that process to assess lead TCLP.]. All samples and
analyses shall be compared to the action levels identified in Table A-1. [The Contractor shall