Engineer Memoirs Lieutenant General Caroll H. DunnLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data - EP-870-1-590004Foreword - EP-870-1-590005The Interviewer - EP-870-1-590006Contents - EP-870-1-590007Illustrations - EP-870-1-590008Carroll Hilton DunnCarroll Hilton Dunn cont'd - EP-870-1-590010Carroll Hilton Dunn cont'd - EP-870-1-590011Personal Data - EP-870-1-590012Personal Data cont'dAwards - EP-870-1-590014Lieutenant General Caroll H. DunnThe Early Years, 1916 to 1934The Early Years, 1916 to 1934 cont'd - EP-870-1-590018The Early Years, 1916 to 1934 cont'd - EP-870-1-590019University of Illinois, 19344938University of Illinois, 19344938 cont'dThe Choice of a Military Career, 1938The Choice of a Military Career, 1938 cont'd - EP-870-1-590023The Choice of a Military Career, 1938 cont'd - EP-870-1-590024The Choice of a Military Career, 1938 cont'd - EP-870-1-590025Carroll and Letha Dun8th Engineer Squaron, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort McIntosh, Laredo, Texas, 1938-19418th Engineer Squaron, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort McIntosh, Laredo, Texas, 1938-1941 cont'd - EP-870-1-5900288th Engineer Squaron, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort McIntosh, Laredo, Texas, 1938-1941 cont'd - EP-870-1-5900298th Engineer Squaron, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort McIntosh, Laredo, Texas, 1938-1941 cont'd - EP-870-1-590030Army Training Center, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, 1941-1942Army Training Center, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, 1941-1942 cont'd303d Engineer Combat Battalion, Camp Butner, North Carolina, 1942105th Engineer Combat Battalion, Camp Blanding, Florida, 1942105th Engineer Combat Battalion, Camp Blanding, Florida, 1942 cont'd - EP-870-1-590035105th Engineer Combat Battalion, Camp Blanding, Florida, 1942 cont'd - EP-870-1-590036England, February-June 1944England, February-June 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590038England, February-June 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590039England, February-June 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590040England, February-June 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590041England, February-June 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590042Omaha Beach to Saint Lo, France, June 1944Omaha Beach to Saint Lo, France, June 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590044Omaha Beach to Saint Lo, France, June 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590045Omaha Beach to Saint Lo, France, June 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590046Across France, 1944Brothers Lt. Col. Carroll Dunn, U.S. Army, and Capt. G. Raymond Dunn, 4th in a bunker near Aachen.Across France, 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590049Across France, 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590050Across France, 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590051The Battle of the Bulge, 1944The Battle of the Bulge, 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590053The Battle of the Bulge, 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590054The Battle of the Bulge, 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590055The Battle of the Bulge, 1944 cont'd - EP-870-1-590056The Rhine Crossing, 1945The Rhine Crossing, 1945 cont'd - EP-870-1-590058The Rhine Crossing, 1945 cont'd - EP-870-1-590059The Rhine Crossing, 1945 cont'd - EP-870-1-590060The Rhine Crossing, 1945 cont'd - EP-870-1-590061The Rhine Crossing, 1945 cont'd - EP-870-1-590062The Rhine Crossing, 1945 cont'd - EP-870-1-590063Meeting with the Russians in Magdeburg, Germany, near the Elbe River, May 1945CommandersCommanders cont'd - EP-870-1-590066Commanders cont'd - EP-870-1-590067Commanders cont'd - EP-870-1-5900681153d Engineer Combat Group, Le Havre, France, 1945State University of Iowa, 1946-1947State University of Iowa, 1946-1947 cont'd - EP-870-1-590071State University of Iowa, 1946-1947 cont'd - EP-870-1-590072Engineer School, Fort Belvior, Virginia, 1947-1949Engineer School, Fort Belvior, Virginia, 1947-1949 cont'dGeneral Headquarters, Far East Command, 1949-1952General Headquarters, Far East Command, 1949-1952 cont'dWaterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955Waterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955 cont'd - EP-870-1-590078Waterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955 cont'd - EP-870-1-590079Waterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955 cont 'dWaterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955 cont'd - EP-870-1-590081Waterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955 cont'd - EP-870-1-590082Waterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955 cont'd - EP-870-1-590083Waterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955 cont'd - EP-870-1-590084Waterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1952 - 1955 cont'd - EP-870-1-590085Executive to the Chief of Engineers, 1955-1958Executive to the Chief of Engineers, 1955-1958 cont'd - EP-870-1-590087Executive to the Chief of Engineers, 1955-1958 cont'd - EP-870-1-590088Executive to the Chief of Engineers, 1955-1958 cont'd - EP-870-1-590089Executive to the Chief of Engineers, 1955-1958 cont'd - EP-870-1-590090Executive to the Chief of Engineers, 1955-1958 cont'd - EP-870-1-590091Thule, Greenland, 1959-1960Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590094Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590095Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590096Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590097Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590098Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590099Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590100Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590101Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590102Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590103Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590104Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590105Opening bids for the first lock and dam of rhe Arkansas River Project, October 1962.Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590107Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590108Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590109Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590110Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office, 19604962 cont'd - EP-870-1-590111Eighth Army 1964-1966Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Carroll H. Dunn leave Korea, January 1966.Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, VietnamDirector of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590115Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590116Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590117Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590118Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590119Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590120Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590121Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590122Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590123Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590124Director of Construction and J-4, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam cont'd - EP-870-1-590125Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590127Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590128Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590129Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590130Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590131Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590132Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590133Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590134Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590135Military Construction, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1967-1969 cont'd - EP-870-1-590136Defense Nuclear Agency, 1971 - 1973Defense Nuclear Agency, 1971 - 1973 cont'd - EP-870-1-590138Defense Nuclear Agency, 1971 - 1973 cont'd - EP-870-1-590139Defense Nuclear Agency, 1971 - 1973 cont'd - EP-870-1-590140Defense Nuclear Agency, 1971 - 1973 cont'd - EP-870-1-590141Defense Nuclear Agency, 1971 - 1973 cont'd - EP-870-1-590142Consolidated Edison Company, 19734980Consolidated Edison Company, 19734980 cont'dThe Business Roundtable, 1980The Business Roundtable, 1980 cont'd - EP-870-1-590146The Business Roundtable, 1980 cont'd - EP-870-1-590147The Business Roundtable, 1980 cont'd - EP-870-1-590148Epilogue - EP-870-1-590149Epilogue cont'd - EP-870-1-590150Acronyms - EP-870-1-590151Index - EP-870-1-590153Index cont'd - EP-870-1-590154Index cont'd - EP-870-1-590155Index cont'd - EP-870-1-590156Index cont'd - EP-870-1-590157Index cont'd - EP-870-1-590158Index cont'd - EP-870-1-590159EP 870-1-59