Franklin F. Snyder
A ..
When I read what's going on now in all of this reorganization and everything, I say
to myself, "Thank God, I'm not in this."
Q ..
Well, it's sort of clear to us that they don't know where they're going, from what
I can see. What they're going to end up doing, as an old Deputy Chief of Engineers
told me, they'll just reinvent what used to be there at one time before. There's no
new ideas coming up even though they think they are. You go back in the Corps'
organizational history, and you'll find somebody one time or other thought of that.
A ..
Oh, yes, yes.
Q ..
But these guys have to think that their.
A ..
Something new.
Q ..
Something brand new.
A ..
Reinventing the wheel, huh?
Yes, that's what they say. You're right about that. After Cassidy was Robert
A ..
That I.
Q ..
Jackson Graham?
A ..
Of course, General Graham was--I feel like I knew him. I'm trying to think why.
I met a lot of generals while they were on the Mississippi River Commission and the
Model Board. I know what he did after he retired. But I felt like I knew him before
he retired. I don't know whether w e were on some trips together or not. Every so
often we'd fly out over a flood zone, but I don't think it was that. But anyhow, I
always liked General Graham.
Q ..
And then when you retired, it was Walter Leber.