Franklin F. Snyder
Q ..
Did Hathaway have very good contacts in the Congress? I mean on the staffs of the
committees? D i d he have really good contacts?
No, I'don't think he worked on that end of it very much. That was up to Tofani and
the others. I don't know whether Hathaway did any Congressional work. In the
beginning when we asked for these funds for installing the recording rain gauges all
over the country, setting up the hydro-met section in the Weather Bureau to develop
our probable maximum storms, and transferring funds to the Geological Survey for
installing and operating stream gauging stations, he certainly sold the Chief's Office
on it. He probably testified in the beginning when I wasn't knowledgeable, but I
don't recall him getting involved. He would have been good at that.
Q ..
I was thinking he developed a lot of programs, a lot of initiatives.
Oh, yes.
Q ..
I was thinking, he may have had somebody up there who was.
Well, of course, Bousquet went up there. And, let's see. There was somebody.
I saw another name, Joe Brennan, on there that went up to the Congress from our
office. They might have helped.
Q ..
Because a lot of his programs seemed to be interagency initiatives.
They involved a transfer of funds to other agencies, yes. The other agencies then,
I don't know whether they also showed, I supposed they showed it in their budgets,
too, and defended it in effect one way or another. I'm not sure just how that
worked, as far as the other agencies were concerned. But the money was
appropriated definitely for transfer. There wasn't any variation after the budget was
prepared, why, the amount involved was specific. It was transferred.
Major Changes in the Cops of Engineers
Q ..
Okay. Let me ask you. In your time in the Corps of Engineers, in the '50s and '60s
especially, what were the major changes in hydrology that in its use in the Corps?