A ..
Yes. He was, let's see, he's the one, did he come in from North Central Division?
Q ..
I'll have to check.
A ..
Well, anyhow, he's the one in that picture.
Q ..
Your retirement picture?
A ..
On the St. Lawrence, which meant he was division engineer up in Chicago.
Q ..
He's also in your retirement picture with you.
A ..
Oh, wait a minute now. I`m confused--Bachus was the man.
Q ..
Walt Bachus?
A ..
Yes, in Chicago. Leber was the one that gave me--he was from ORD and the
Deputy Chief then, wasn't he?
Q ..
He was the Director of Civil Works.
A ..
Oh, yes, that's right, yes. That was my retirement.
Q ..
A ..
I'm trying to think. Some of the Chiefs, after they've been Chief of Engineers and
head the Mississippi River Commission, they end up as Governor of the Panama
Canal. One of the ones that I knew was down at the Panama Canal when Mary and
I were down there on a trip. We stopped in Panama City for a few days.
Q ..
I think Potter was.
Probably was, because it was somebody I felt that I knew well enough to make a