happened to be going by, so I don't know whether I knew who it was or not, but I
stopped and gave them a lift-to where they wanted to go. I never did get to the
cemetery. But they never forgot that. They really thought that was something
special, that I stopped and helped them out on the way to the cemetery. So from
then on we exchanged Christmas cards and everything. Of course, the last few
years, I've kind of lost track--I think the boys, I don't know whether they both died
or not.
Q ..
I know the General has been dead for a long time.
A ..
Q ..
I don't know if the boys--I'll have to check and see.
A ..
I think at least one of them has died, and maybe both of them even. Oh, that was
the one thing that I meant to mention you know, Gail Hathaway had two boys,
twins. He was really proud of those boys. They were both successful, one of them
with a large corporation, working for some big company. I forget what the other
one did. But Hath used to always brag about both of those boys making more
money than he was. The sad thing was they both died years before he passed on.
They died in their thirties, I guess. But anyhow, I hadn't mentioned that.
Q ..
Sort of tragic, isn't it?
A ..
Yes. That hit him pretty hard. But anyhow, General Robbins, I always liked him.
Q ..
Okay. After Itschner was John Person from 1956-59.
A ..
From what?
Q ..
Jack Person.
Oh, yes, yes. I don't have any particular remembrance of him. Of course, I left in
December of `66.