A ..
I don't think I`ll ever be sure of his name because I've tried. All of the generals
back those days, they're all gone now, too. But I've got copies of the letter from
General Moore thanking the Chief of Engineers for our services.
I'd been pretty well tied down. We made forecasts seven days a week. After Ernie,
that was Wither's first name, got so that he could spell me off, and, after the
crossings were over, it wasn't quite so critical that I be there all of the time, but I
did enjoy it.
My wife had a cousin that was stationed near London. He was in the Signal Corps.
He was a pigeon fancier. He had trained pigeons and everything and as surprising
as it may be, he got into the same work when he was in the Army. They always say
you never get your work. But anyhow, he was located somewhere near London,
and I don't know how I got in touch with him, but he came into London and we
spent some time together in London.
Q ..
I know the Army still had a pigeon service.
A ..
Q ..
Amazing they did have that. So you came back in May then or June?
A ..
Q ..
May of '45?
`45, yes.
Q ..
Did you ever get to meet the Chief Engineer, General Moore?
I don't think so, not when I was in Paris. I'm not so sure that I might have met him
later. Do you know what he did after, where he was assigned?
Q ..
He retired in `46 and then went to work for Baltimore. He was involved in building
Friendship Airport [now Baltimore-Washington International Airport, BWI] .