Franklin F. Snyder
A ..
Yes. She spent some time up there. They had a lot of German prisoners there while
she was there. Then we did that air raid warden bit.
Q ..
As if they were going to attack. A lot of that now we know was just for morale.
A ..
Morale, yes. But it was awfully chilly up there some nights in that they built a
tower and it was cold up there.
Q ..
Do your part? Is there anything else?
No, I think that will be it.
Q ..
Review of High School
Q ..
Today you wanted to give some more details on your time in high school and your
A ..
Right. One summer I worked for a department store in Toledo. The principal of
the school got me the job. It was the Tiedkes Brothers Store. It was really an
unusual store for those days. It was a place where you could buy anything from an
automobile to practically anything. Toledo is a lake port, of course. That's where
they load much of the coal from southern Ohio. They haul it up there by train and
then put it on the lake freighters. The Tiedke Brothers started their business by
taking supplies out to the ships, and they ended up with this big department store.
But that's sort of unimportant.
Q ..
Do you remember how they spell the name?
A ..
It was, I think, T-i-e-d-k-e-s, I believe it was. I am not sure. I haven't been back
to Toledo very often.
Q ..
That's just for the transcriptionist, so she have an idea of how it was spelled.