Franklin F. Snyder
there. Did you ever get up to the Rhine? Did you ever get out of Paris while you
were there?
A ..
Well, the substitute that was being trained, his name was E.A. Withers. He had
been in the Los Angeles District office. I don't know whether he was a sergeant or
not, but anyhow, he got experienced enough so that we would take turns doing the
forecasting. Then it got to the point where I felt that in April, it was time to go
home.-So Mittendorf left about that time, too. But we prepared a paper and
explained the situation that Withers was prepared to do the forecasting and that the
unit could continue to operate. So we got approval to come home. Of course, the
Army was getting all of the readings they wanted. As time went on, the
responsibility for forecasting began to change hands. Some of the French and
Germans began to do it.
Then after that happened, I got orders. I spent three or four days in London on
official duty. Then I got to go up to Mainz. The general there was most
accommodating. It's shameful I don't remember his name. He had a nice speedboat,
and he took me for a ride on the Rhine. Then we went up the Main River up to the
point where there was a dam. You couldn`t go any farther. So then we got in a
small boat, and we could go through the gates of the dam, got in a small boat and
went up a little farther up the river. But he was really nice to me so I had a nice
visit, as you say, on the Rhine after the serious forecasting was over.
Q ..
That wouldn't have been Patton's engineer?
A ..
Beg pardon?
Q ..
Johnny Conklin?
A ..
I'm not very good at remembering names.
Q ..
There's another one who was engineer for Bradley, Pat Timothy.
A ..
The name Timothy rings a bell, but it may be because of some other connection.
Q ..
That's all right. You may recall it and jot it down.