Franklin F. Snyder
Q ..
Well, that is subject to a lot of interpretation.
A ..
Q ..
They're not certain for certain what he said. He may have said something else to
them that couldn`t be printed.
A ..
Yes, that's right. After going through that battle, he probably did say something
Q ..
Now, how long were you in Paris for this work?
A ..
Only a couple of weeks before we moved to Chantilly.
Q ..
Then you were there how long?
A ..
I came back in May, so I was there from December--the original assignment was
three months. They had to get it extended then for another three months. In looking
through my file, I found a paper where I had to get the permission of the Draft
Q ..
Draft Board?
A ..
Draft Board, yes. I had a deferment because I was working for a military
organization, but I had to get their permission to leave the country.
Q ..
You would have an exemption. Not an exemption, a deferment or something?
A ..
Q ..
Yes, I know. It wasn't a 4-F. You were a 3A-something or a 2. There was a
number that you had. You had a specific number that exempted you.