A ..
Yes. I have the paper downstairs where I got their permission. I didn't have to get
too many shots because I'd already been doing a lot of traveling, so I was pretty well
up on my shots and everything before we went overseas.
Q ..
So this continued up through the seizure of the Bridge at Remagen and the crossings
in March?
A ..
Yes. One side light in Paris. It was the same thing with perfume as it was for
champagne. There were a number of the well-known perfume stores there right near
where the Army people were. They would only open up once a week, and all of the
G.I.s would line up to and get it. If you had an empty bottle to turn in, why it was
real easy to get perfume.
I went to a night club one night so I must have been in Paris for a couple of weeks
at least before we moved to Chantilly . I also was there on V-E Day. I went into
Paris on V-E Day. I've got some pictures. Don't know whether I could f n d them
or not of all of the people and buildings on the Champs Elysses.
Q ..
That must have been quite a day, huh?
We had quite a time, although I just stayed there during the day. I went back to
Chantilly late in the afternoon. By that time, I had trained one of the G.I. s, which
has been described in the paper, to do the forecasting so I could go home. I went
back so that he could take his turn at celebrating that night. Getting back to
forecasting, in the article of the ASCE I have some sidelights on the place where we
lived. I don't know whether you want to hear about those. ...
Q ..
Sure, sure.
The janitor was a jockey. He was doing janitor work because there weren't any
races going on. He would come in the morning and would build up the furnace,
heat everything up while we were all at work, then when we'd come home, he'd
bank the fires and there wouldn't be any hot water or anything when the men came
back. So I caught onto that and they changed his way of living. During the day the
maids had all of the windows open and everything. He had the furnace roaring.
When we needed the heat at night, he was gone and the furnace was banked.