EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
Chapter 4
Sponsor needs.
Development of an Initial HEMP
(1) The sponsor usually has valuable information
about the study area. The sponsor may have some capa-
bility for obtaining necessary information pertinent to the
4-1. General
project or for performing some of the hydrologic engi-
neering necessary for the study, which could be a credit
A typical strategy would first include a preliminary
to the sponsor. The cost-sharing partner normally has
assessment identifying the problems and issues described
specific views on the type of alternatives believed most
in both this chapter and in Chapter 3. This assessment
suitable for the study area. All of these possibilities
would result in the preparation of an initial hydrologic
would be reflected in the HEMP.
engineering management plan, sufficient to scope time
and funding requirements. The initial HEMP would
(2) An initial HEMP is useful in dealing with the
include appropriate contingencies to establish total hydro-
local sponsor on necessary hydrologic engineering activi-
logic engineering cost for inclusion in the initial project
ties and in justifying the hydrologic engineering cost
management plan or in the PMP. If time and funds are
estimate, which the sponsor must cost-share. Discussing
the necessary hydrologic activities, summarized in a
detailed HEMP could be prepared in lieu of the initial
HEMP, with the sponsor is more likely to result in agree-
plan. A senior hydrologic engineer could develop the
ment on the effort involved than to simply present the
initial hydrologic engineering management plan, while the
sponsor with a total cost.
responsible engineer could expand this document into a
detailed HEMP. The activities in Chapters 3, 4, and 5 are
c. Feasibility cost-sharing agreement. The FCSA
summarized in Figure 3.
cannot be negotiated adequately without having the hydro-
logic engineering work defined in sufficient detail. The
4-2. Field Inspection
hydrologic engineer must be involved in any negotiations
concerning hydrologic engineering, or in hydrologic engi-
An early field inspection is necessary to become familiar
neering work that the sponsor might perform for the pro-
with site-specific problems that must be incorporated in
ject. The hydrologic engineer must approve the technical
the HEMP. A continuous field presence should be main-
value of the sponsor's work before it can be accepted as a
tained throughout the study to keep pace with changes to
sponsor credit.
the study area. Field inspection would focus on any
features causing analysis problems, ongoing changes in
4-4. Collecting Information
the study area, interviews with locals concerning past
flood experiences or changes to the area since large past
The hydrologic engineer must evaluate the available data,
floods, contacting local agencies to obtain information on
as well as estimate what additional data are necessary for
the area and on any plans for modifications that could
conducting the study. Actual climatologic, hydrologic,
affect the Corps analysis, and other items of interest.
hydraulic, sediment, water quality and infrastructure data
available would be determined, sources and quality of
4-3. Coordination
such data evaluated, and any special needs for a limited
data collection program determined. Topographic infor-
Various coordination and information needs must be
mation necessary to develop accurate water surface profile
addressed in the HEMP.
information will be estimated.
a. Study team needs. The various hydrologic infor-
4-5. Basic Analysis Approaches
mation needs of the interdisciplinary planning team have
been briefly described in Chapter 2, paragraph 2-3.
The analysis approach must be based on the hydrologic
Anticipated hydrologic information needs should be
information needs of the study team, unusual features of
the study, the type of alternatives requiring investigation,
process for inclusion in time and cost estimates and sche-
the significance of the alternatives on the sediment
dule for the feasibility phase.