EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
model testing, detailed hydraulic design, quantitative
plan similar to that needed for the PMP would be pre-
sediment transport analysis, two-dimensional flow analyse,
etc., which provide the technical detail for final design of
detailed HEMP formulated after receipt of detailed project
the project.
report funding. The hydrologic engineering management
sequence for continuing authority studies is illustrated in
(2) Plans and specifications. The detailed HEMP
Figure 2.
prepared at the start of PED should include the hydrologic
activities necessary for this phase of the project. Hydro-
e. Regulatory. An assessment of the impact of a
logic engineering effort in the plans and specifications
proposal is necessary to obtain a permit for project con-
phase typically incorporates results of physical model tests
struction in the floodplain. The hydrologic information
into the hydraulic design, preparation of stage hydro-
needed to submit the permit for Corps projects should be
graphs to show potential high-water periods affecting
readily available from previous work. A hydrologic engi-
construction, minor modifications in the hydraulic design
neering management plan for regulatory purposes should
based on the additional detailed topographic and soils data
seldom be necessary.
obtained, and any changes found in the site conditions.
f. Water control. Establishing a water control plan
d. Continuing authority. These studies are typically
for a new project or updating an existing plan for new or
performed as a two-phase process: a reconnaissance
changed purposes represents a major hydrologic engineer-
report performed at Federal expense, followed by a cost-
ing effort. The plan is described in a water control
shared detailed project report.
manual. Funding is usually from the operation and main-
tenance (O&M) program for an existing project. General
investigations funding (reconnaissance and feasibility) is
continuing authority study is similar to a feasibility inves-
appropriate for analyzing the addition of new project
tigation. It is performed at 100-percent Federal expense
purposes to an existing project. A HEMP is necessary to
under the continuing authorities program. A HEMP is
establish time and cost estimates for O&M funding. A
detailed hydrologic engineering management plan is pre-
funding. The HEMP would be similar to that of para-
pared for technical activities after receipt of funding.
graph 3-3a to establish funding requirements for the
Hydrologic engineering funding for water control activi-
reconnaissance-phase study.
ties for a new project should be included with the HEMP
for the PED-phase work effort.
(2) Detailed project report. The detailed project
report (DPR) is equivalent to a feature design memoran-
g. Water supply. These investigations normally con-
dum; therefore, a hydrologic engineering management
centrate on potential reservoir storage reallocation for
Initial funding
Prepare HEMP for reconnaissance study
Receive funding for reconnaissance-phase study
Complete reconnaissance report, with an economically justified
project resulting
Prepare HEMP for detailed project report study
Receive detailed project report funding
Complete detailed project report
Prepare plans and specs, construct project
Figure 2. Sequence of hydrologic planning activities for continuing authority studies