EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
4-8. Funding Estimates
regime, and other considerations. Selection of the
appropriate hydrologic model, a single event or a contin-
uous model, steady or unsteady flow procedures, and
Determine the chargeable rate for each technical discipline
qualitative or quantitative sediment analysis must depend
used in the hydrologic work. Include all direct and indi-
on the judgment and skills of the responsible hydrologic
rect overhead charges for the division to which hydrologic
engineer. Models and procedures should be selected
engineering is assigned and for the District. At the time
based on the reduction of uncertainty in the end product.
of publication of this EP, the chargeable rate for District
If a sophisticated model or procedure does not give a
personnel averaged about 2.8-3.0 times the base salary.
significantly improved result and reduced uncertainty, a
For example, if an engineer earned /hour base wages,
less sophisticated method is probably appropriate. Selec-
the project is charged -75/hour for each hour charged
tion of new models or procedures could include an allow-
by the staff member. Total the funds for each major
ance for assistance by the (HEC), the U.S. Army Engineer
activity and for the total hydrologic engineering effort.
Waterways Experiment Station (WES), or other consul-
Forward the estimate to the planning technical manager
tants. New models and innovative, unusual procedures
for approval of hydrologic time and costs.
should be approved by higher authority at the technical
4-9. Resource Evaluation/Negotiation
phase, or earlier. Peer review by the appropriate
HQUSACE-sponsored committee should also be consid-
a. Through an iterative process, come to agreement
ered for unusual or complex analyses.
with all concerned on study objectives, analysis
approaches, alternatives to be analyzed, sizes to study, and
4-6. Initial HEMP Preparation
level of detail obtainable with funding constraints. Pre-
pare written documentation on this agreement and include
Using information from the preliminary assessment, iden-
any problems, difficulties, or lack of engineering detail
tify the major activities, including alternatives to be ana-
that may result from this reduced effort. Finalize these
lyzed and the range of sizes to study. The initial HEMP
activities in the HEMP for inclusion in the initial project
would be used to estimate human resource requirements
management plan, or PMP. Reference these changes and
for each activity to establish a total hydrologic engineer-
agreements in the hydrologic engineering management
ing study cost. An example of an initial HEMP for a
plan, or in separate documentation.
flood control study is presented in Appendix C.
b. The IPMP is reviewed and approved by the chief
4-7. Time and Schedule Estimates
of each technical division. The signature of the Chief of
the Engineering Division (the division to which hydro-
With the initial HEMP, determine the human resources
logic engineering is normally assigned) on the IPMP indi-
required for each major technical hydrologic engineering
cates that the hydrologic engineer agrees to perform these
study component (rainfall analyses, water surface profile,
activities for the funding specified. The responsibility
channel modifications, etc.) and for the complete hydro-
then falls on the hydrologic engineer to ensure that the
logic engineering effort. Estimate the human resources
actual time and costs are commensurate with the agreed
necessary for each discipline (hydrologic engineer, techni-
amount. Additional hydrologic work required by the
cian, supervisor, etc.). Estimate when necessary informa-
interdisciplinary planning study team or sponsor during
tion must be furnished to (or received from) other study
the feasibility or design phase must result in additional
team members. Clearly indicate the number of alterna-
resources being made available by the project or study
tives to be evaluated and the number of sizes to analyze
for each alternative. Determine if special training is nec-
essary for the responsible engineer to effectively perform
the study. Include any other factors having a significant
impact on required time for the hydrologic engineering
analysis, along with any assumptions on which the esti-
mate is based. Include a reasonable contingency