EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
Chapter 5
Establish milestone dates for each major component. Use
milestone dates for furnishing necessary information to
Development of a Detailed HEMP
various members of the interdisciplinary planning team,
receiving information required from others to meet the
study completion date, and meeting any other scheduled
5.1. General
After receipt of funding for the feasibility or design
5-4. Hydrologic Study Management
phase, the hydrologic engineer would build on the initial
hydrologic engineering management plan to develop the
The detailed hydrologic engineering management plan
fully detailed HEMP.
could be used on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis,
especially for relatively new hydraulic engineers. Periodic
5-2. Document Contents
updates and further detailing of tasks should be performed
as work progresses or as additional effort becomes neces-
Using the results of Chapters 3 and 4, develop the
sary to meet new interdisciplinary planning team or local
detailed HEMP commensurate with the level of reporting.
sponsor requests. Additional work effort required by
The detailed HEMP for the feasibility phase would docu-
others, that is not included in the HEMP, becomes the
ment the step-by-step analysis of data development, storm
basis for increases in hydrologic engineering time and
studies, routing operations, unit hydrograph development,
cost allocations. This situation again emphasizes the need
model calibration, etc., while the detailed HEMP for the
for a HEMP and for the responsible hydrologic engineer
PED phase would document the hydraulic design, physical
to use it throughout the study.
model testing requirements, hydrologic studies needed for
water control manuals, detailed sediment investigations,
5-5. Study Documentation and Reporting
multi-dimensional modeling efforts, etc. Appendices D
through F give generic examples of different hydrologic
Update the HEMP for final documentation of the com-
engineering management plans. The document should be
pleted technical study so that future, similar work will
reviewed and approved by the immediate supervisor.
have a better planning basis. Recording the actual human
Complex analyses may benefit from a higher level review.
resources expended for each major activity is particularly
A courtesy copy should be provided to the study or pro-
useful for estimating future studies. Use the completed
ject manager.
hydrologic engineering management plan for the outline
of a technical hydrologic engineering appendix to the
5-3. Activity Sequence
study documentation.
For scheduling purposes, assign durations to each work
item for all significant activities in the entire HEMP.