Franklin F. Snyder
A ..
Yes, yes. You were talking more about, I assumed you were talking more about the
bread and butter work. In other words, we reviewed all of the spillway designs for
the various projects as they went along. So I got to know a lot of the field people
Q ..
Now, you did have an advantage that you did deal with a wide spectrum of projects
in the Corps of Engineers. A very wide spectrum of projects in the Corps.
A ..
You mean with the Corps?
Q ..
Yes, we got involved in the channel and levee designs on the local protection
projects. But I was, at least in the later years, I was pretty much dealing primarily
with the reservoirs.
Q ..
So these consulting jobs were sort of a significant change for you as far as kind of
thing you did?
A ..
No .
Q ..
The same thing?
It was much of the same sort of thing, yes.
Q ..
Now, the environment though was different, more challenging environment,
A ..
Yes. And the travel and the people, of course, a lot of different people involved.
But they always, it was amazing how nicely the consultants were always treated.
I remember one time Mary and I flew into Bogota, and we got in there late at night.
We had reservations at an international hotel. When we got there, they didn't have
any rooms for us. Apparently, one of the airline companies that used the hotel had
a big flight canceled? and they put all of the people back in the hotel for overnight.
So I called up one of Ospina's people, and he came down the hotel and he took us
someplace else and found us a place to stay. But the next day, they raised cane with