Franklin F. Snyder
Q ..
I don't know if it's any newer, but it certainly was taken care of, yes. It was a
Canadian-Pacific property. I think so is the other one. Well, there are two big
railroads, Canadian-National and Canadian-Pacific. Each of them, I think, had their
own hotels. But I think Banff Springs was a Canadian-Pacific hotel. It was still
quite plush. I haven't seen it, of course, recently.
Later on, I did a job for Hydro Quebec. Wendell Johnson and Barry Cooke were
on the board of consultants for this project in Eastern Canada. It was the Quebec
Hydroelectric Company that was planning this. They had a half a dozen dams laid
out for this stream that drains into James Bay. They were working on just one or
two at the time.
Wendell was instrumental in having them set up a hydrology work group and he
recommended me as one member. Barry Cooke was there at the time. Wendell got
a kick out of it. He says when he suggested me, Barry Cooke said, "Oh, yes. We
use him in South America, too. That was typical of Cooke. He was opinionated,
but okay.
Q ..
Who did he work for? Did he work for Bechtel?
Q ..
I don't know. I think in the beginning he worked for some of the power companies
out there on the West Coast. I've seen articles about him in some of the magazines.
He's been an independent consultant for many, many years. One time, when Mary
and I were in San Francisco, he took us out to lunch. When he called me a month
ago, I mentioned that to him. I think it made him happy that I had remembered that.
They had a lot of problems with the Indians, the natives up there, who lived on some
of these streams, that they wanted to build dams on. But they finally got everything
worked out. I don't know that they built all of the dams, but they built several of
them on the stream. Hydro Quebec produces a tremendous amount of power. They
sell a lot of it to New York State. They export a lot of it.
Most of that is on the streams that drains into Hudson Bay, isn't it?