A ..
Yes, these streams drained into James Bay at the southern end of Hudson Bay.
They're draining north into the Hudsons Bay, or west from Quebec.
Well, I think it went pretty much west.
Q ..
A ..
Yes, into the bay. I don`t know that the Hydro Quebec engineers that were on this
working group, I don't think they were entirely too, happy having me involved. I
suspect that they had done their own designing. I just have kind of forgotten the
details. I imagine the Hydro Quebec engineers had designed the project and
I had a little trouble getting all the information I wanted and everything. I didn't
find anything wrong with what they had, but I never was really happy with the final
approval that was made. It was just, the operation was too big. It was rather
difficult to get your teeth into the details of what they came up with. But I wasn't
unhappy with the results and with their design, but I wasn't 100 percent happy about
it either. We just worked on the first dam. I never heard anything more from them
on the other dams. I don't know whether Wendell was a consultant on some of the
other dams or not, but they built some. I also worked on a project in Saskatchewan
for Acres, International. I don't remember much about it. It's hard to retrieve the
information because I gave all my files to the University of Wyoming.
Q ..
Now, on these World Bank projects, you gave a formal report to the World Bank
or to the engineering group you worked for, or both?
Well, like the ones in Pakistan, our reports would go to those engineers, but of
course, I'm sure they then would, if that was part of their procedure, they would be
furnished to the Bank. But then I was on some jobs where I was hired by the Bank,
itself. Then we made our report to the Bank. Quite a bit later, the Bank sent a team
to Bangladesh on the protection of Dhaka.
It was in the paper in the last year, well maybe within the last six months, they were
flooded out again. The Ganges comes down from the northwest, but then there's a
major stream, the Brahmaputra, that comes in from the East.