Q ..
Did you do any consulting in Canada? I think you did up there, too, didn't you?
A ..
Yes, yes. They were getting ready to build a dam on the Columbia before it comes
out of Canada. The hydrologist in the North Pacific Division, who had gotten in on
this computer business early in the game, developed their probable maximum flood.
In that situation, there's a lot of snow. It's mostly snow, melting snow, and some
So the engineering company in Vancouver, I don't know why, but they wanted it
reviewed. So I reviewed the spillway design flood for them. On one of the trips out
there, took the family along. We rented a car and drove on up to Banff and stayed
at the famous railroad hotel there on the lake.
Q ..
Lake Louise?
A ..
Yes, yes. I don't know just when this was, but it was sometime in the summer and
we had a little snowstorm. The kids got a lot of fun out of that.
Q ..
Yes, Lake Louise Hotel isn't quite what it used to be.
A ..
Q ..
At least it wasn't about 13 years ago when I was up there.
A ..
You say it wasn't?
Q ..
No, it wasn't. It really wasn't in too good shape.
A ..
Is that right?
Q ..
But the Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, itself, was just beautiful.