Q ..
Well, that's about enough for tonight, I think. We've gone pretty far, and I do want
to come back again. I have some things I need to return to you anyway.
BG William Whipple Jr.
Q ..
I want to start by asking you if there is anything else that you wanted to talk about
of the many things we've talked about? Was there anything that you can think of
that you wanted to talk anymore about from your Corps days?
A ..
I'm not really sure about everything that we covered. But something came to mind.
You remember Colonel Whipple, who was pushing the computers. I don't know
whether he's gotten credit or blame for it, but he was one of the first people that
started a new view of stream pollution.
After he left the Corps and was up in New Jersey, he pointed out and illustrated that
much of the pollution in the streams was not from the sanitary sewers and treatment
plants, but it was from the non-point street runoff and non-sewered areas. He
established some gauging stations to prove his point. Congress has passed
legislation. All of the cities have to develop plans for controlling that pollution, too.
It's almost an unsolvable problem.
But, he's the one. I don't know whether he was actually the first, but he was one
that really brought that problem out in the open. Everybody was concerned about
sewage treatment and everything. He discussed at meetings that the pollution, there
was more of it maybe coming from the non-point sources than there was from the
sanitary systems.
Q ..
How much did you get into that?
A ..
I never did get into that, no.
Q ..
Other pollution issues. Of course, that was before, you retired before that really
came in.
Oh, yes. I retired a long time before that.