Franklin F. Snyder
Q ..
Yes, I think he was at the university when he was doing that research.
Princeton? Was it Princeton?
Yes. I don't know whether he's gotten credit for that or not, but he certainly started
the ball rolling.
Q ..
Well, he must have done that when he was with the State of New Jersey in what,
water resources or Department of Water Resources, or something he was in?
Oh, the Congress set up a program where all of the states established, I think they
called it Water Resource Centers, didn't they?
Q ..
Yes, there was something like that.
Yes. Almost every state established one. The Geological Survey budgeted the
money for them. Now they're cutting back on that. I think he probably was
teaching, too, but I think he was in charge of New Jersey's Water Resource
Research Center.
Q ..
Well, he worked for the State of New Jersey.
Q ..
May even have been the Department of Natural Resources or something. I can't
quite remember. Now, getting back to your suggestion, I don't know that, as I say,
I'm not really clear on what everything, or I don't remember exactly everything
we've talked about anyhow, so I don't really.