Consulting Engineer
Q ..
Well, one of the things we didn't talk about was your time as a consulting engineer.
That was quite a significant amount of time from 1966, or starting in 1967, but you
had done consulting before that.
I had done it five, I don't know, five, ten years before. I would take leave. Gail
Hathaway got me into a lot of that work in the beginning while he was with the
World Bank and then later on, Wendell Johnson, after he retired and was doing
consulting work, why, he also got me into a lot of projects.
But most of it was in connection with the spillway, the hydrologic spillway design
of large dams all over the world. I think I must have worked on six or seven down
in Columbia out of Bogota for Carlos Ospina. He had an engineering company of
his own, Ingitec, a pretty big company. I guess, probably, my contact with him was
probably through Hathaway. I'm not sure. They retained me a number of times to
either develop or review their spillway designs. Mostly it was to develop them and
that's when I formed a partnership with Dwight Nunn. I don't know whether you've
run into his name or not.
He was in our office, in the Chief's Office, and then he transferred to the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, and he was a principal hydrologist there. When we formed
our partnership, he had retired from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. We got
a lot of work from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, too. I had been working
in South America before he retired from NRC, but he had meteorological training
during World War II. After the war was over, he was in the Chief's Office. So he
did the meteorological, he developed the probable maximum storms and then I
would develop the floods. They would use these for the spillway design studies
Q ..
Were there any unusual conditions you had to consider in those South American
What about them?
Q ..
Any unusual conditions, hydrographic conditions?