Q ..
So it was just a system, how to regulate reservoirs, and factors you should consider
in doing it.
A ..
Yes. A matter of analyzing past floods. One factor is the effect of a reservoir on
the concentration of flood waters. I don't know whether I ever sent out a paper
other than the manual on that or not. It's involved in operation, but also has a
significance in the design. Suppose you're building a reservoir at a place where
you've got a river gauge. Well, you can study, get your unit hydrographs at that
river gauge, and everything. They wouldn't do you any good for design or
operation other than providing the coefficients for use in that synthetic procedure.
You see, when you build a reservoir, it provides a deep body of water. So when the,
floods come down the tributaries, they travel rapidly through that reservoir. The
velocity equals the square root of
much faster than in the natural channel. When
you get an inflow of water from a tributary at a deep point, it's effect is found
almost immediately down at the dam so that changes the whole time of concentration
of your flood. So when you study the reservoir then you have to develop unit
graphs, unit hydrographs, for the tributaries where they hit the reservoir. Not down
at the dam site, but where they hit the reservoir. It makes the computed flow at the
dam higher than it would have been before the dam was built. That was just one
factor. I don't know how I got into that.
Q ..
Let me go back and ask you now to explain to me what the square root of gD is?
A ..
Well, that's the velocity of waves in deep water. That`s the way, when you have
an earthquake out in the ocean, they have those, what do you call them--I can never
Q ..
A ..
Well, that's the velocity. It's just like Force MA. It's just a physical fact. It's the
velocity of waves in deep water. That's the speed with which they propagate across
the ocean. There may be a little friction factor in the reservoir. In other words,
maybe it's only 95 percent of that, but the inflow still travels very rapidly through
the reservoir.
Q ..
Now that's G as in George or V as in Victor?