Franklin F. Snyder
Q ..
I think you're right.
A ..
When I was still there. In other words, Douma was always separate. Whether he
was ever under Co&an--he said he worked for Cochran?
Q ..
I think so.
A ..
I just don't remember the details of that. But for years he had his own separate unit
and for awhile, the man in charge was John Harrold. He would have been Douma's
boss in the structures. I believe he was senior to Douma for awhile. I don't know
whether he retired or what.
Q ..
The last time we talked about paralleling the changes in OCE, and you said a lot of
the districts, a lot of the divisions especially, had hydrologists, like MRD. Did that
become a permanent part of the field structure to have a hydrology office?
A ..
Well, I think it was the same thing. It was in hydraulics. Just like the Chief's
Office, they probably had hydraulics branches in the engineering division. As the
work developed for hydrologists, I'm just sort of theorizing a little bit, they sprouted
up in the hydraulics branches, and if they got strong enough, they got separate.
Otherwise they probably were kept, or maybe they gained a joint name like
hydraulics and hydrology, or actually had separate branches or sections. I never
worked in a field office, so I'm not too sure. But I'm sure, I do feel that a lot of
people that I worked with in the field were hydraulics people as well as hydrologists.
Q ..
Besides MRD, and I think last time we mentioned the North Pacific Division, were
there any other divisions that had very strong hydrology programs, with hydrologists
in the division offices?
Yes, they did. The South Pacific Division did. But getting back to the North
Pacific Division, they had, other than the routine work where they needed
hydrologists for the functional spillway design and what not, the operation of all of
those Columbia River dams which required a hydrologist to set up their forecasting
procedures and what not. They had quite an operation going there.
Here, again, Mark Nelson was the head of the operation, but he was an operator.
There was a younger chap who did most of the hydrology work there. The division