Franklin F. Snvder
Q ..
had issued your Engineer
had training sessions, was that after
Manual on reservoir regulation?
I would think probably, yes. I got four folders of travel orders downstairs.
Q ..
You were going somewhere.
My daughter always wants me to write a history. If I could find my diaries, I would
try to do that for her. If I can't find those diaries-1 could go through all of those
travel vouchers and figure out a lot of stuff that happened. But getting back to your
question, I'm not sure. I think we rewrote the manual once, so I don't remember
when it went out the first time. I've got copies downstairs that are probably dated.
It might well be that those training sessions were before the manual went out. But
I don't really remember.
Regulating Reservoirs
Q ..
Did you find that there was any opposition to setting up a standardized set of
procedures for regulating reservoirs? You had mentioned before that, like with the
Weather Service, there was a lot of local knowledge kind of thing but not a lot
written down on reservoir operation.
A ..
No, I didn't. I don't remember any. If there was any, it was pretty well hidden.
There certainly wasn't anything in the open. In the case of the Weather Bureau
River Districts, they'd been going on for years and years. Whereas this was all a
little new to the people in the Corps' office so they were sort of in at the beginning
of it. And, oh, I'm sure some of the offices had some old timers that thought they
knew how to do things better than the new people did, but they were probably not
involved in our activities because I don't remember any difficulty in that area at all.
Q ..
So it was pretty much accepted?
A ..
Yes, yes. The procedures weren't standardized, but they were, you might say,
systematized. I mean they were approaches that needed to be considered, but there
never was any standard that said, "You have to do it this way.
There never was
any of that to begin with.