sort of ran the dam operations rather than the district. Of course, there was a
Portland District, too, at the same time. I think I generally visited the division
office, though, rather than the district office.
Q ..
Would that have been because the Columbia River ran across several districts in
order to give unified forecasting, you'd have to deal with all three districts?
A ..
Yes, the Willamette Basin was in the Portland District.
Q ..
Was it?
A ..
Q ..
Was Walla all in the.
A ..
I remember that district.
Q ..
Well, that's still there.
A ..
Is it? It was involved with the nuclear work?
Q ..
No, it had the upper part of the Columbia, the Snake, and all of that.
A ..
Oh, yes. The Snake River goes way over into Canada. That's funny. I don't
remember ever visiting the Walla Walla District.
Q ..
It had everything east of the mountains, I think.
Yes. I'm sure I've gotten in touch with them, but it wasn`t any major
activity that I had with them. There was a period when I went around to all
of the division offices, and we held, I don't know what you'd call it,
seminars or conferences where all of the district people came in. In
connection with reservoir operations, reservoir regulations, we had sort of
training sessions for the various offices.