Holding The LineMap 1. The Benelux Countries and the Ardennes AreaPrologue - EP-870-1-380010The 51st was not supposed to be on the front line.In September 1943, the battalion started the long trek that eventually led to the Ardennes.On 17 September, the 51st moved to Germany, 110 miles east of Soissons, almost to the Luxembourg border.A Note on the MapsA Note on the Maps (cont)During the German breakthrough in the ArdennesThe battalion landed at Normandy on D-Day plus 21Commanding OfficersPrior to coming to the battalionIrked by this inactivityDefense at Trois-PontsMap 2. Trois-Point Area, December 1944Trois-Ponts is studded with bridgesThe second accident benefited the defenders of Trois-Ponts a little less directly.The defense of the town initially consisted of one platoonFiring was heard in the vicinity of Stavelot during the early part of the morning.There was some difficulty at first with ammunition for the antitank gun.Almost simultaneous with the battle along the Stavelot roadThe company had about six 2 1/2-ton trucks availableAfter the return of Lieutenant Green's group and the withdrawal of Lieutenant Nabors' platoonAfter the bridges had been blownMap 3. 51st Engineer Conbat Battalion, Company C, Defences Set on 19 December 1944, Trois-Points AreaEnemy patrols attempted to probe across the river throughout the periodCompany C had its greatest casualties on 20 DecemberThe Ambleve bridge presented no unusual problems, but the Salm bridge was more difficult.The Battle of HottonThe vital Ourthe River bridge at HottonMore specificallyMap 4. 51st Engineer Combat Battalion Lines of Defenses, Hotton Area, 19-20 December 1944Defenses were strengthened on 20 DecemberDuring the days when these roadblocks were heldThe battle of Hotton occurred on 21 December.Leaving Sergeant Ham's squad in MarcourtMap 5. 51st Engineer Combat Battalion Defenses, Hotton Area, 21 December 1944The bridge is perpendicular to N4 and connects N28 on both sides of the river.The Hotton bridge was a two-way timber bridge.The 3d Armored tanks started engaging enemy infantryAt this point Private Ishmael manned the 37-mm.Meanwhile, Captain John W. Barnes, battalion S-3, was off on another mission.Three shots were fired from the 7th Armored tank.Throughout the morning and during the early after-noon, the tank-infantry battle raged.On 22 December, Company A relieved Company B of the responsibility of roadblocks in the vicinity of AyeMap 6. 51st Engineer Combat Battalion, Companies B, A, and C, Defensive Position Established in Hotton Area, 22-23 December 1944The following morning, he received orders to repair the Rochefort bridge.The ensuing days were anticlimactic.Total battalion casualties for the operationEpilogue - EP-870-1-380057Then it was back to road maintenance and bridge construction, including one extraordinary burst of energy.The battalion was lucky at Ingolstadt.The battalion stayed in Germany through the summer.Appendix A. CommentsAppendix B. AWARDS DURING WORLD WAR IISoldiers MedalAppendix C. PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATIONAppendix C. PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION (cont)Appendix D. FRENCH CROIX DE GUERRE WITH SILVER STARNotes - EP-870-1-380067Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-380068Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-380069Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-380070Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-380071Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-380072EP 870-1-38