EP 1110-3-8
9 Apr 04
Operating Procedures
for (name of FUDS property)
Restoration Advisory Board
1. Mission Statement of (name of FUDS property) Restoration Advisory Board (RAB). The
mission of the (name of FUDS property) RAB is to establish and maintain a forum with all
stakeholders for the exchange of information in an open and interactive dialogue concerning the
environmental restoration activities at (name of FUDS property). The RAB will review
technical documents and provide comments and advice to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE), (name of district), on the proposed environmental restoration activities.
2. Responsibilities of the RAB. Responsibilities of the RAB are as follows:
a. Provide advice on environmental restoration issues to USACE and regulatory agencies.
b. Hold regularly scheduled meetings that are open to the public and held at convenient times
and locations, normally after duty hours.
c. Prepare public notices to promote public participation in RAB meetings.
d. Review, evaluate, and provide comments to the (name of district), USACE, on documents
related to environmental restoration activities.
e. Identify applicable cleanup standards presented in the Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act and other applicable city, county, state, and Federal
law and recommend cleanup levels consistent with planned reuse.
g. Record minutes of RAB meetings and make them available to interested parties.
h. Develop RAB mission statement and operating procedures.
i. Provide a representative on the project delivery team (PDT) during the technical project
planning (TPP) process.
3. RAB membership will consist of members from USACE, other Federal, state, and local
regulatory agencies, and the local community. RAB membership will reflect the diversity of the