PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE DEFENSE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM (DERP) FOR FORMERLY USED DEFENSE SITES (FUDS)AVAILABILITY - EP-1110-3-80002Foreword - EP-1110-3-80003Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - EP-1110-3-80008Background - EP-1110-3-80009Chapter 2. ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAMSGoals of the Public Involvement Program.OE Center of Expertise (CX), USAESCH.PAO, U.S. Army Engineer District, Omaha.PAO, Geographic District, USACE.Establishes and maintains information repositories.Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) District.Public Involvement PlansSection 1. Overview of Public Involvement Plan.Section 2. Capsule FUDS Property Description.Section 3. Community Background. Projected Schedule for Community Involvement Activities.Revision of Public Involvement Plans.Fact Sheets.Good Neighbor Program.Restoration Advisory Board (RAB).Chapter 3. ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING RABsDetermining the Need for a RAB.RAB Responsibilities.RAB Formulation and Selection, Announcement, and Training of RAB Members.Selection of RAB Members.Establish a time period for receipt of the community interest forms.Announcement of RAB Members.Member Roles and ResponsibilitiesRAB Community MembersRAB Operations.Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP).Eligible TAPP Projects.TAPP ProcessContractors already working at the FUDS propertyStep Four Procurement.Independent Government Cost Estimates.Appeals.Additional Technical Support.Figure 3-1. Chain of Command for RAB AppealsFunding - EP-1110-3-80045Ineligible RAB/TRC Expenditures.Reporting. - EP-1110-3-80047Short description of the scope of the projectRAB Adjournment and DissolutionRAB Dissolution.Community Involvement. The PM will solicit and respond (in writing) to commentsChapter 4. ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDSJudicial Review.Public Participation. - EP-1110-3-80055Administrative Records Coordinator (ARC).Procedures for Establishing the Administrative Record.CompilationAdministrative Record file.Contents of the Administrative Record.Postdecision Information.Public Availability.Administrative Record Requirements for Remedial and Removal Response Actions.Filing and Binding.Correspondence, as a document type, will always appear as the "0l" minor divisionAudit Procedures.Internal Management Control ChecklistInternal Management Control Checklist (cont)The reviewer will review the documents that comprise the Administrative RecordChapter 5. CONCLUSION - EP-1110-3-80071Appendix A. REFERENCES - EP-1110-3-80072Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1110-3-80073Appendix B. COMMUNITY INTERVIEW QUESTIONSAppendix B. COMMUNITY INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (cont)Privacy Act StatementAppendix C. SAMPLE RAB PUBLIC NOTICEAppendix D. SAMPLE RAB COMMUNITY INTEREST FORMATAppendix D. SAMPLE RAB COMMUNITY INTEREST FORMAT (cont)Appendix E. SAMPLE RAB LETTER OF INVITATIONAppendix F. SAMPLE RAB FACT SHEETResponsibilities - EP-1110-3-80082Appendix G. SAMPLE RAB OPERATING PROCEDURESRAB Formation.RAB Meetings.Election of Community Co-Chair.RAB Member Responsibilities.Responsibilities of the Community Co-Chair are as followsAmendments to RAB Operating ProceduresAppendix H. REPORTING MATRIX AND REPORTING TABLESTable H-2. FUDS Property RAB StatusTable H-3. RAB Establishment and ExpendituresTable H-4. TAPP ExpendituresTable H-5. New RABs EstablishedTable H-6. RAB AdjournmentTable H-7. RAB Community RepresentationTable H-8. RAB ActivityTable H-9. RAB AdviceAppendix I. SELECTING DOCUMENTS FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDRemoval ResponseRemedial Investigation (RI). - EP-1110-3-80101Record of Decision (ROD) or Decision Document (DD). - EP-1110-3-80102Remedial/Removal Action (RA)/Long-Term Management (LTM).Congressional Relations. - EP-1110-3-80104Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).Sampling and analysis data must be included in the Administrative Record.The final scopes of work, including any modifications, should be included.Appendix J. MODEL PERMANENT PROJECT FILE STRUCTURERemedial Investigation (RI). - EP-1110-3-80109Remedial Design (RD).Congressional Relations. - EP-1110-3-80111Real Estate.Appendix K. ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD DOCUMENTSRecord of Decision (ROD) or Decision Document (DD). - EP-1110-3-80114Appendix L. MODEL ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD INDEXAppendix M. MODEL ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION INDEXAppendix N. SAMPLE VISITOR SIGN-IN BOOK FORMATAppendix O. MODEL ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD TRANSMITTAL COVER LETTERAppendix P. MODEL ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORMAppendix Q. SAMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD FACT SHEETAppendix R. MODEL ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD NOTICE OF PUBLIC AVAILABILITYGLOSSARY - EP-1110-3-80122GLOSSARY (cont)GLOSSARY (cont)EP 1110-3-8