EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
(5) Prepare reservoir rule curves (existing conditions
(6) Execute model with first estimate of current con-
if for an existing system).
ditions and constraints.
(a) Seasonal flood control curves.
(7) Check results (seasonal reservoir elevations)
against real-world conditions. Modify penalty functions
to obtain intuitively "calibrated" model. Repeat model
(b) Seasonal proportional draft curves.
adjusting as necessary.
(c) Other rule curves.
(8) Perform production runs.
(6) Develop procedures for output display and
(a) Sensitivity analysis of economic functions.
(b) Potential future changes in operating constraints.
(7) Execute model for initial test runs. Check
results for reasonableness against known conditions.
b. Develop descriptive model for monthly routing,
(a) Historic regulated flows at control points.
e.g., HEC-5. A descriptive model performs a period-by-
period simulation of reservoir operation following rule
(b) Historic reservoir elevations.
curves and other operating variables. The rule curves
represent alternative possibilities of operation, reflecting
(c) Historic power generation.
both existing and nominated alternative conditions. Either
may have emerged from the results of the prescriptive
(d) Low flow (7-, 10-day volumes, etc.) and flood
model simulation performed above.
(1) Consult as necessary on use and application of
(8) Adjust model parameters to obtain a calibrated
model. Obtain program and test.
and tested model. Repeat above steps as necessary.
(2) Formulate basic model structure to represent
c. Develop daily (or shorter period) flow routing
reservoir system. Decide upon location of reservoirs,
control points.
(3) Prepare reservoir model characteristics.
(1) Determine basin configuration for model.
(a) Control/damage points.
(a) Reservoir elevation/area/storage capacity tables.
(b) Routing reaches.
(b) Powerhouse characteristics.
(c) Diversions.
(c) Tailwater ratings.
(d) Lake characteristics.
(d) Outlet constraints (maximum, minimum, rate-of-
change, etc.).
(e) Backwater effects.
(4) Prepare river system characteristics.
(2) Derive routing characteristics for individual
(a) Irrigation diversion relationships.
(b) Routing characteristics (for flood hydrograph
(a) Choose routing method and model.
(b) Obtain data to derive routing coefficients.
(c) Natural lake characteristics - elevation/storage/
(c) Determine local inflows.
(d) Perform routings.