EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
(4) Determine continuity of operations requirements.
c. Miscellaneous guidance curves for flood control
operations. There may be need for guidance curves and
(5) Perform life-cycle cost analysis; select best
rules that can be used in the flood control operating plan
in lieu of or, in conjunction with, a flood forecasting
operation. One application would be as a backup to a
d. Write WCDS Master Plan; submit for approval.
power are lost. Examples might be: indices to runoff,
e. Establish capital and annual expenditure require-
outflows, given reservoir rate of fill; and rules for operat-
ments; budget accordingly (Plant Replacement and
ing several dams controlling a single control downstream
Improvement Program (PRIP) and annual funds).
control point.
E-7. Develop Flood Control Operation Guidance
(1) Determine need for guidance, considering factors
such as:
The water control plan for flood control operations should
include several items to assist regulators and project oper-
ators in making regulating decisions. These may require
transportation viability.
new hydrologic and hydraulic studies, or they may simply
require development of existing material for presentation
(b) Accuracy and viability of operational forecasting
in the water control manual.
procedures, models.
a. Regulating outlet and spillway gate opening
(c) Basin runoff response.
sequences, limitations.
(2) Perform hydrologic study using models or
(1) Consult with hydraulic design engineers; project
manual analysis.
(3) Test guidance on historic floods, design floods.
(2) Perform or request special hydraulic analysis as
(4) Prepare plots, narrative text.
(3) Document procedures with text and diagrams as
d. Examples of flood regulation. Examples of flood
control regulation provide a useful form of guidance for
water control manuals. These can be plots and/or tabula-
b. Spillway gate regulation procedures.
tions, accompanied by explanatory text.
(1) Review guidance and design documents regarding
(1) Select floods for possible examples, considering
gate regulation schedules.
factors such as: magnitude of flood; unusual runoff tim-
ing or shape of hydrograph; seasonal considerations; and
(2) Prepare a gate regulation diagram.
ability to demonstrate use of guidance procedures.
(a) Select a design flood for recession volume
(2) Perform reservoir routings with historic data,
using guidance materials that have been prepared.
(b) Perform routings.
(3) Plot hydrographs; prepare narrative material.
(c) Plot required outflows versus inflow and storage.
e. Emergency instructions to dam tenders when
communication is lost. This is a mandatory requirement
(3) Test diagram by routing with different floods
for dams subject to rapid flood runoff requiring gate
(inflow design flood, historic floods). Adjust as
operations. It is particularly important for dams in remote
areas. Coordination is needed with Dam Safety Plan
emergency procedures.
(4) Finalize guidance plots; prepare documentation.