EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
(3) Activity schedule.
f. Nonstructural. Floodproofing or structure raise
elevations, flood forecasting models, evacuation plan, etc.
b. Hydrologic Engineering Appendix.
D-10. Hydrologic Engineering Reporting
(1) Text.
(2) Tables.
The last step must thoroughly document the results of the
technical analyses in report form. Hydrologic and
(3) Figures.
hydraulic information presented will range from extensive
for feasibility reports to minimal for a typical Feature
c. Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental
Design Memorandum (FDM(s)).
Assessment Report.
a. Project Management Plan.
(1) Hydrologic information/data as necessary.
(1) Major hydrologic engineering activities in the
(2) Portions of text, selected figures and tables.
preconstruction engineering and design (PED) phase.
Time and cost for hydrologic engineering.