EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
management plan (IPMP), or the detailed project design
f. Cost engineer--the cost engineer must have hydro-
needed in the project management plan (PMP). The
logic engineering design information in sufficient detail to
HEMP should be prepared at the end of the reconnais-
prepare project costs.
sance study so that time and funds needed may be firmly
estimated during the feasibility-phase study. It becomes
g. Realty specialist--the real estate specialist needs
part of the IPMP forming the basis for the Feasibility
stage-frequency, area inundated, project location, and
Cost-Shared Agreement (FCSA). Similarly, a HEMP is
other information to complete the analysis.
prepared at the end of the feasibility-phase study to estab-
lish hydrologic engineering time and costs necessary for
h. Other team members--structural, geotechnical,
PED. HEMPs are prepared during the feasibility phase,
mechanical engineers, regulatory personnel, the recrea-
to detail all hydrologic engineering work necessary during
tional planner, and environmental specialist usually need
feasibility, and during the PED phase for the balance of
specific information from the hydrologic engineer.
the hydrologic engineering effort. It is assumed throu-
ghout this document that both HEMPs will be prepared,
i. Review authority--controversial, complex, or costly
but this does not mean that both are always required. In
hydrologic analyses should be discussed with Division
fact, if a detailed hydrologic engineering management
and possibly HQUSACE hydrologic engineering personnel
to confirm the approach and procedures proposed. This
phase, it should be done. A sequence for developing
should be accomplished both informally and through the
hydrologic engineering management plans is shown in
mandatory technical review conferences. These disci-
Figure 1.
plines should be contacted, as necessary, during the recon-
naissance-phase study to ascertain their needs and views
on hydrologic information required for the feasibility-
phase investigation.
2-4. HEMP
The HEMP should outline feasibility study hydrologic
engineering activities to be included in the initial project
Receive reconnaissance-phase study funding
solution found
Prepare HEMP for inclusion in IPMP
Submit reconnaissance-phase report
Receive feasibility-phase funding
Complete feasibility-phase study, with NED plan selected
Prepare HEMP for inclusion in PMP of PED-phase study;
submit feasibility-phase study
Receive PED-phase study funding
Complete PED (design memorandum (DM), plans, and specs)
Figure 1. Sequence of hydrologic planning activities for Civil Works studies