Franklin F. Snvder
that releases the pressure on the others. There's no way that anyone can build those
gates to tip physically at one time because of the friction on the side, and the way
they were hinge. Particularly, because as soon as one tipped, the level dropped
down and so it would be a little while before another one would tip.
But in the law suit, I think that was one we lost. There was an engineer on the jury,
and we all thought, "Well, that will be good having an engineer on there. We
found out, Armistead Booth always knew everybody. He'd walk down the street in
Alexandria and everybody in Alexandria knew him, but anyhow, he knew the bailiff,
whoever took care of the jury. He found out that it was the engineer that lost us the
case because he insisted if those gates were all hinged at a third point, if that's the
way they were designed, they were all going to tip at once. Actually, there's just
no way with something man-made like that that that would happen. But we lost that
law suit. So you never know.
Not at all. Well, do you want to call it a night?
A ..
What got me into that?
Q ..
Lake Barcroft. We're talking about dams.
A ..
Yes, yes.
Q ..
Maxirnum Probable Floods, and spillways. But if you'd like to call it a night.
Whatever your pleasure is.
Old Timers in Civil Works
Q ..
Okay. Let me begin by going back and mentioning some names to see if these were
the people who you were thinking about as the old timers in Civil Works.
Of course, I found them.
Q ..
Did you find those?