Franklin F. Snyder
probably, I don`t know for sure, but I think their Standard Project Flood would be
different than ours because I'm sure they would not, on a major project, now be
satisfied with a flood half of the size of the one that's possible. No one would get
themselves into that box.
Q ..
I don't know enough about it to.
A ..
Yes, well, as I say, I'm a little hazy, too, about what their position is. But I imagine
there are still a lot of people that think our probable maximum flood is absurd. But
every so often there is a flood that happens that converts a lot of people, but it
doesn't necessarily convert them all.
Q ..
I guess Teton Dam is one of those, the one that went out in the '70s in Wyoming?
That had one of those situations where it wasn't big enough to.
A lot of organization are gradually upgrading existing reservoirs, improving their
Q ..
Even putting, what, higher.
Well, generally they combine it with increasing spillway capacity and adding some
additional storage.
Q ..
Adding freeboard to the dam to get more?
Beg pardon?
Q ..
They add more to the dam to give it greater capacity or something?
A ..
Yes, they could increase the spillway capacity when they're rebuilding the dams.
Then at the same time, if they can get more storage--I just read an article the other
day where some old dam down in the Southwest, I don't think it was a government
dam--was reworked. I think it was owned by a local water supply.
Q ..
What, Roosevelt Dam?