Franklin F. Snyder
Q ..
How much did things change between Pick and Wheeler? Were there any significant
changes that you noticed or was it mostly project work?
A ..
Well, of course, in the beginning, my acquaintance with the front office was pretty
slim. In other words, in Pick's day I didn't really ever get involved in anything that
was going on, except what I would learn from Hathaway, so I don't really know
how he operated. Later on I got to know the Chiefs. I always liked General
Stratton. I saw his name just the other day. I got to know General Wheeler
probably about as well as any. He was interested in Pakistan while at the World
Bank. The World Bank had a big project, the Indus Water Plan.
Q ..
He was involved in a lot of that, wasn't he?
A ..
Yes, and Hathaway was, too. The Pakistan engineer that had worked on that plan,
he'd been over to our office to talk to me so I got to know him fairly well. I think
it was Pakistan that gave a big party that General Wheeler attended. Mary and I
went to the party. Probably it was after the plan that they worked out had been
approved. But, he was the one that gave me my Exceptional Civilian Service award.
I've got a nice picture of him giving it to me in there.
Q ..
Let's see. What does it say here? That has to be Wheeler because, it is Wheeler,
because it's 1946. That's Wheeler.
A ..
When was Reybold the Chief?
Q ..
Late November of `45. He left in November of `45. So that's Wheeler.
That's a xeroxed copy of one that I didn't have any extras of. That's Cochran,
Hath, and I.
Q ..
Cochran on this side and Hathaway is there, right?
A ..
Yes, I'm in the middle.