A ..
Because all of the local people had organizations that got in on the power part of it.
Q ..
I mean I was thinking, it's a multi-purpose project, a whole series of projects. But
the real inspiration for it was the flooding in places like Kansas City, St. Louis, and
other urban areas.
A ..
Yes, there was a big flood control story. The upper dam had been -built a long time
Q ..
Fort Peck was built in the '30s.
A ..
Fort Peck, yes. Hathaway and, I think Hathaway, Cochran, and this Homer Willis
I mentioned, they all came from the Missouri River offices, either in districts, the
Kansas District, or the division office, into the Chief's office.
Q ..
But that's true for about 30 years isn't it, that that happens, from about the '40s to
the ' 7 0 s ?
A ..
Q ..
That a lot of those--Wendell Johnson was from MRD.
A ..
Wendell came from there, too.
Q ..
Lloyd Duscha was from MRD.
A ..
Oh, yes. Is he still?
Q ..
No, he's retired. He's been retired for about six years, five years.
I saw him a couple of years ago. I knew him to speak to him. I saw him at funerals
and places like that. I saw when he got into the National Academy of Engineering.
He became active in the Civil Engineering Section, tried to get them to reorganize
some of their procedures. I don't know how he made out. I don't go to their
meetings anymore.